Resource Library

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PNE is billable

Download our Billing for PNE resource for common CPT codes used for PNE, as well as language to use when billing.

Connecting Patient Info to PNE Stories

Use the PNE New Patient Checklist to connect common things patients say during the initial evaluation or treatment to relevant PNE stories.

PNE 101

Download the free PNE 101 document to learn why PNE is a viable addition to your clinical practice

Browse Videos

To get the most from this site, start from the homepage and choose whether you want to learn WHY PNE matters, discover how to LEARN PNE, or find videos/resources to help you TEACH PNE.

Once you're accustomed to the site, you can use this Resource Library for quick access to all available videos and downloadable resources.

Welcome to

Whether you're new to pain neuroscience education (PNE) or a seasoned veteran, you're in the right place. Learn how PNE can benefit your patients, how to apply it to your practice, and how to hone your skills to make an even bigger impact.


Discover how PNE integrates seamlessly with your current practice and delivers better outcomes for patients with chronic pain.

Learn PNE

Start your PNE journey right here. Learn how Adriaan got his start and find the path that's right for you.

Teach PNE

Take your PNE skills to the next level and learn how you can make the biggest impact on your patients.

Who needs PNE

Chronic pain, central sensitization and more: here's the list of patients we know do really well with PNE. We also know that clinicians who allow PNE to enhance the language they use in the clinic can positively affect any type of patient.

Show this to your patients

Patients are sometimes surprised when their clinician starts teaching them about pain. They should be. Many people still connect their pain to damaged tissues, and we in the medical community have not done a good job educating patients about their pain.

Introduction to sessions

Whether you're new to pain neuroscience education (PNE) or a seasoned veteran, you're in the right place. Learn how PNE can benefit your patients, how to apply it to your practice, and how to hone your skills to make an even bigger impact. Let's get started!

How to teach a PNE session (Card System)

Watch how Adriaan Louw conducts an initial PNE session using the cards included in the Why You Hurt Pain Neuroscience Education System.

How to teach a PNE session (Tablet)

See how Adriaan Louw presents a follow-up session using a tablet and the PDF version of the Why You Hurt Pain Neuroscience Education System.

How to teach a telehealth PNE session (Card System)

Adriaan Louw conducts a PNE session via telehealth, using the Why You Hurt Pain Neuroscience Education System.

Bridging the gap between education and exercise

Learn how to continue the PNE education process after you've transitioned to movement-based treatment.

Bridging the gap between education and manual therapy

Discover how Adriaan Louw connects the hands-off PNE session to a hands-on modality, like manual therapy.

How to adapt a story during a session

You're in the middle of a session, and your patient says "this doesn't apply to me." Here's how to turn it into a positive opportunity.

Personalizing a story for your patient

The basic stories won't resonate with all patients. Here's how to customize the story to make it more impactful.

The four key elements of a PNE session

Do your PNE sessions include these four key elements? It can mean the difference between success and frustration.

What tools are needed to teach PNE?

Learn how to start teaching PNE and how to evolve your program.

Proper dosing of PNE

PNE is meant to accentuate other modalities, not take up valuable time. Learn how to dose the sessions.

How to overcome patient resistance

Some patients are not ready for PNE right away, and that's ok. Here is how you can reach them in a way that's respectful and effective.

You think my pain is in my head

Every clinician teaching PNE will get this question from a patient, and how you respond will directly affect how well your patient does with PNE.

Introduction to Moments

Some of the most impactful moments happen outside of the PNE session. By taking cues from your patient, you can provide impactful information at the precise moment your patient is ready to hear it. The resources below will help you create and capitalize on teachable moments.

How to create teachable moments and improve buy-in

How you conduct your evaluation, how you respond during treatment, or even how you set up your clinic can help create teachable moments.

3 things patients say that can lead to a PNE conversation

Connecting the information your patient gives you with a relevant PNE story is one of the most impactful skills you can develop.

Introduction to Homework

Continuing the education process beyond the clinic is essential to your patients' success. These resources will help you provide effective cognitive homework.

How to use patient books to continue the learning process

Why Do I Hurt? and the Why Do I Hurt? Workbook were designed to build upon what you teach in the clinic. Here's how.

How to use the homework cards and downloadable sheets

These homework cards/sheets are carefully designed to stimulate critical thinking and bring your patient back with questions.

Homework Sheets

Set your patients up for success and accelerate their treatment. The questions on these carefully designed homework sheets have patients reflect on their pain journey, deepen their knowledge of pain, and come back to the clinic armed with questions.

Each set of homework sheets corresponds to a session from the Why You Hurt Pain Neuroscience Education System. Homework is presented in PDF format to be easily printed or sent to patients.